To lower car insurance rates, drivers must maintain a clean driving record, sustain a high credit score and shop around for personalized quotes from at least three insurance companies for commercial auto policies. These tasks could go a long way in finding and receiving lower costs on your car insurance or even home insurance Georgia.
Here are seven ways to find the cheapest auto insurance rate possible!
1. Shop Around For Quotes:
The first and the best thing you can do is compare shop for car insurance rates from different carriers. Consider contacting an independent agent for help in getting the best price. Independent agents typically sell policies for five to eight insurance companies, allowing them to choose from several options to determine what is best for you. Recommendations from friends and family members may also help narrow down your choices, especially regarding the integrity of an insurance agent or company.
2. Request All Discounts Available:
While you may be aware of some of the discounts offered by car insurance companies, such as multi-car policy discounts or good driving discounts, some companies also offer discounts for owning a car with anti-theft devices or specific safety features. They may also offer discounts if you drive a reduced mileage each year or set up an automatic payment for your premium.
3. Raise Your Deductible:
Depending on your insurance agent, paying a higher deductible is typically a quick and easy way to make your car insurance payments less expensive. Make sure you have enough savings to cover your deductibles to be safe. You can do this online or through your insurance company's mobile app. Remember that you must be ready to pay the deductible charge yourself if you get into a mishap.
4. Boost Your Credit Score:
Good credit can also influence your insurance cost, and approximately 95% of auto insurance companies use your insurance credit score when setting your premiums. Your insurance credit score is a specific type of credit score created to quantify your risk to an insurer.
People use the following factors of your insurance credit score when determining premiums:
- The length of your credit history
- Your payment history, including late payments and failure to pay
- The types of credit in your history
5. Keep Clean Driving Records:
Safe drivers always save with Liberty Mutual. Moreover, it pays to drive safely to protect yourself and others on the road. Always avoid speeding, getting into mishaps, and different driving incidents. You prevent costly speeding tickets or other moving violation prices and help lower your insurance rates by proving you're a less risky driver. Besides, you can receive additional discounts if you have a claims-free or violation-free history.
6. Bundle Your Policies:
Insurance companies value maintaining as much of your business as possible and will reward you for coming to them for all your insurance conditions. You can bundle homeowner's or renter's insurance with car insurance. And you may also add an umbrella policy, which saves you from liability above what your homeowner's or auto policy covers and is also referred to as excess liability insurance.
Many elements are used to choose your car insurance rate, including your location, driving record, and credit score. There are commercial auto insurance quotes online that provide affordable coverage and can help you find the best rates for your needs.
Better insurance for a better journey!